Innovation & Technology Transfer
The primary objective of the Innovation and Technology Transfer (ITT) unit is to fulfil the public good mandate of CUT Innovation Services (CUTIS). This mandate comprises two main goals:
- Strengthening the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem of the University to support socio-economic development in the central South African region and nationwide.
- Bringing publicly funded inventions and innovations, whether originating from CUT or elsewhere, to the market for the benefit of taxpayers and the general population.
The ITT unit achieves these goals through the following functional areas, which provide support to both the University’s academic community and the broader society:
The ITT unit achieves these goals through the following functional areas, which provide support to both the University’s academic community and the broader society:
- Technology Transfer Office (TTO): The TTO plays a vital role in promoting the identification, management, and commercialisation of intellectual property resulting from research and development activities at CUT.
- Idea Generator (i-Gym): The i-GYM fosters a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship within the University community. It serves as a platform for identifying and nurturing student, staff, and community entrepreneurs.
- Fabrication Lab (FabLab): The FabLab offers a range of prototyping services utilizing digital design, 3D printers, laser cutting, and other advanced technologies. It enables individuals to transform their ideas into tangible prototypes, advancing innovation and technological development.
- Incubation Support: This functional area provides start-ups with essential entrepreneurial support infrastructure, mentorship, advice, and resources. By offering these resources, the ITT unit helps start-ups grow and thrive.
Through the collaborative efforts of these functional areas, the ITT unit actively contributes to the University’s academic community and the broader community by promoting innovation, entrepreneurship, and socio-economic progress in the central South African region and beyond.